80s Pop Star Costume for Ladies |
From the US? View All Madonna 80s Outfits at Amazon.com
I'm going to start with costumes based on Madonna's outfit from the film Desperately Seeking Susan.
Available in five sizes from 8 to 26, this fabulous Madonna style costume includes a jacket with leopard print detail, a matching black top, black tutu, black lace gloves, necklace and hairpin. I found three suppliers selling this outfit at Amazon.com (use the link above), but it is more widely available and cheaper at the UK store.
You can actually compare suppliers for this item at Amazon.co.uk using the comparison list you can also the customer ratings for each supplier.
For the very best value both in the UK and US, I highly recommend trying ebay where there are plenty of suppliers selling not only this costume, but many other Madonna costumes, too, and the prices are the best I've seen.
Below are all of the different items I found at Amazon UK. The first five are the best value and available at very low prices, and you may prefer the third and fourth outfits with the dungarees which actually is the most authentic choice in terms of looking like Madonna in the film. It's also useful if you're not comfortable with showing off your legs, of course.
Madonna 80s Fancy Dress80s Pop Star FancySeeking Susan Costume 8-18Seeking Susan Costume 20-2280's Popstar for MadonnaSmiffy's Adult Women's 80'sFun Shack Adult 80'sRubie's Official 80's Diva
However, there is no doubt that you may find even cheaper prices on ebay where many of the leading fancy dress suppliers all have their own stores. A price of around £13.99 is available for sizes up to 14, although for sizes above this you can expect to pay around £18.
View All Madonna Wigs at Amazon.co.uk.
The costume captures Madonna's Desperately Seeking Susan movie look (from 1985) perfectly, and it has also been a popular choice at my website - visit the Madonna fancy dress page at simplyeighties.com for more costume ideas.
Alternative Costumes
Madonna Accessories
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You can read more about Madonna fashion and see many more outfit ideas at my website SimplyEighties.com.
See more Madonna Accessories (UK) at my website where you can create your own costume from head to toe!
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