The Great Book of 1980's Like myself, you may believe that you know everything about the 80s. But how much do you really know? Well, let me introduce you to a fantastic book that will teach you and test your knowledge of the great decade. The Great Book of 1980's Trivia: Crazy Random Facts & 80's Trivia (Volume 1) by Bill O'Neill is available as a paperback, audio book and Kindle edition, and the printed edition features 198 pages, and the Kindle version has 185 pages. There are 10 chapters (one for each year) and each one starts by covering the major events of that year. Before we get to the main chapters, there is an introduction, followed by The Reagan Presidency Defines the Eighties, Reagonomics and American Greed, Economic Disparity and Homelessness, Drugs and Aids, The environment, Social Issues, and Culture, and World Politics. From the offset, it's clear that this book isn't going to only deal with the fun side of the 1980s by covering pop music, t
The 1980s Fashion Blog featuring party costume ideas and advice for adults. Plus, a look back at 80s fashion. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.